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Quiz Two: Approach to Life and Situations

Quiz Two: Approach to Life and Situations

Quiz Two: Approach to Life and Situations If I tell somebody I’ll meet them in ten minutes, I… will probably be late. might get caught up and forget about them. make sure I leave early so I’m not late. already know it’ll take at least 15 minutes or more.   When I...

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Quiz Four: Values and Priorities

Quiz Four: Values and Priorities

Quiz Four: Values and Priorities The most important things in my life are… my family, my friends, and my loved ones. money and women. my values and the issues I’d fight for. studying, learning, and spreading ideas.   In life, I most need… love, peace, and...

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Quiz Five: Influences and Awareness

Quiz Five: Influences and Awareness

Quiz Five: Influences and Awareness   What percentage of network news about Black people is negative in tone? 8% 60% 50% 25%   How many poor Black families and poor white families are there in America? 5 million black families, over 2 million white families 3...

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Be Open-Minded for Your Healing

Be Open-Minded for Your Healing

As mental health pertains to spiritual wellness I suggest you do what works for you as sincerely as you can but be careful to “avoid dogma”. In other words, if you practice a religion or culture and not doing your best can result in feelings of guilt, stress, and many...

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Wash Your Hands!

Wash Your Hands!

Did you know a dog’s tongue is cleaner than your hands? Hell, for most of us, a dog’s butt is cleaner than our hands. Why? We don’t wash, and when we do wash, we don’t wash em right. As a result, we overexpose ourselves to germs that eventually get the best of us,...

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